Real estate in Greece: Features of acquisition

For those who decided to buy real estate in Greece, now the best time. As you know, Greece has great financial problems, and therefore, a decline in real estate prices is expected to. But all financial crises, as a cyclic phenomenon, pass sooner or later, and therefore you can use the current situation.

There are a number of factors speaking in favor of the purchase of real estate in Greece. Now, thanks to its tourist image, Greece is at the intersection of transport routes, and getting to it now easier than a few decades ago. And buying a house or villa in Greece is now now easier. Very good investment of capital – villa in Greece. The prices for these villas are about the same as for houses of a similar class in Russia or Ukraine. But only now the purchase procedure in Greece is much easier. For foreign buyers in Greece there are special programs for simplifying legal registration. Prices for apartments can also be pleasantly surprised. For example, the cost of apartments by the coast begins with 50 thousand. Euro. In addition, you can buy apartments in a mortgage, since the interest rate is approximately 5.5% per year. Right now you can profitably invest money – time for purchase. Apartments and houses can be rented out or sold with profit when prices increase.