What property can be bought in Cyprus: options

Cyprus is a favorite place for tourists of all countries of the world, which are attracted by a warm soft Mediterranean climate, sea, mountains, excellent opportunities for relaxation and permanent residence. This is facilitated by a high standard of living of Cypriots, their friendly attitude to foreigners, almost a complete absence of crime, low prices for basic goods and services, including real estate. The crisis of the banking system in Cyprus has somewhat reduced the number of real estate transactions, but a sharp drop in prices did not occur. At the moment, the Cypriots themselves buy approximately 2/3 of real estate, and 1/3 – foreigners. Actively master the real estate market in Cyprus Chinese. This is due to the fact that according to the laws of Cyprus, everyone who bought housing here acquires a European residence permit. A lot of Russian -speaking population lives in Cyprus, there are Russian schools. Everyone can choose the real estate that suits him – near the sea or in the mountains, a small house or a spacious villa. But in any case – no more than 4000 square meters. m. In accordance with the legislation of Cyprus. It is profitable to buy real estate during the crisis, as many Cypriots sell their apartments for debts at reduced prices. When buying, it is better to contact an experienced real estate agency that should provide your lawyer. Mandatory requirement – registration of a transaction in the Land Committee of Cyprus. Real estate in Cyprus can be used at your discretion – live yourself or rent.