When and for what purposes new supports are set

This decision leads to an increase in labor intensity and significantly complicates the working conditions of work, but in some cases it may be advisable. For example, if it is possible to install support racks in the places of disassembled furnace chimneys or with a comprehensive reconstruction of the building with a complete or partial change of ceilings. The need for internal placement of supports is sometimes dictated by architectural considerations, for example, in order to maintain a built -in building without changing the facade of the building, when the existing building is located on the red line of development, etc.

An example of such a solution is a superstructure of a residential building on the street. Turgenev, 10 in Simferopol. Given the complex configuration of the building, the constructive superstructure scheme was accepted with a mixed location of the supports and solved in the form of a spatial frame consisting of three flat three -span frames located along the main part of the building, and two single -span frames located across the courtyard extension. In this case, the average three -span frame is designed inside the existing part of the building in the plane of the internal longitudinal wall. Carrying columns are located on the grounds of disassembled furnaces and chimneys. The placement of an additional frame inside the building made it possible to avoid the need for large -span structures and ensured the ability to use typical prefabricated reinforced concrete panels of standard length for ceilings. Lower support structures are flexible elements working for compression with a bend. An increase in the free length of such elements significantly reduces their bearing capacity. To reduce the free length of the racks, it is necessary to introduce intermediate supports or additional connections. Such supports when placing racks inside the building can serve as existing reinforced concrete floors. When placing racks outside the dimensions of the existing building, it is recommended to install additional runs that limit the bending movements of the columns in the plane of these runs.