Distinctive features of the real estate market in Latin America

So far, experts cannot answer anything specific on this issue. However, there are some fears. And they begin to talk about them now. It is known that in Jurmala annually hold a competition of young performers “New Wave”. Whether he will be this year, it is not known. Given the fact that the Latvian real estate market is developing a confident pace at the expense of foreign guests and tourists, it is not difficult to conclude: if there is no new wave, the Latvian real estate market is in danger.

Although the inhabitants of Latvia and some tourists regard this news as a positive. If earlier they could not afford to buy a house or apartment in Jurmala, now real estate prices will fall. According to approximate estimates of financiers, the percentage of savings will be able to amount to ten, or even twenty percent. The fact that the “New Wave” can migrate to a new place became known from the words of the jury of the jury, the famous composer Igor Krutoy. This is due to the fact that the organizers of the festival could not agree with the city Duma of Jurmala regarding the resettlement of the contestants and the rental of the concert hall. Amazing, but before such problems did not arise.

Jurmala’s real estate has risen in price by thirty-five-second percent. Perhaps this indicator could reach higher numbers, if not for information about the possible movement of the “new wave”.

Currently in Jurmala, the construction of fifteen large facilities has been started. First of all, we are talking about hotels and hotels with the most expensive service throughout Latvia. In the arrangement of premises, local specialists will take into account the interior design and, of course, the taste preferences of foreigners. At present, Jurmala is perhaps the most picturesque corner located on the coast of one of the coldest seas of the Baltic.