How to rent a residential object: what to pay attention to

Very often, renting apartments is based on a honest word and trust, while few owners and tenants require the conclusion of a lease agreement. Even if the transaction occurs without intermediaries, you should not neglect the design of the hiring of a dwelling in writing. Such an important formality will avoid many problems for both parties to the transaction, the risk of which no one is excluded. As a rule, a housing lease agreement may be granted by representatives of the HOS or the district settlement center. When renting apartments through real estate agents, an agreement should also be required. Agreements at the Housing Party are registered in the order of rental for rent, and during the procedure the tenant and the owner of the apartment must be present. Registration of the contract is based on the passport data of both parties to the transaction and documents for the ownership of the housing property. The registrar must carefully study the passports of the parties to the contract, checking their authenticity. If someone is already living in a rented apartment, and the new tenant is a hooked person, then the presence of the first tenant and his permission to settle the contract is also necessary to enter into force.

Registration of the contract at the Housing State Establishment is free of charge, after which the document must undergo tax registration in the near future. The conclusion of a housing lease agreement requires a number of problematic issues related to determining the main characteristics of the apartment, its address, area, number of rooms, passport data of both parties to the contract.

Particular attention should be paid to the payment point for housing. The amount should be indicated in capital letters, as well as the date of payment of payment, its frequency.