Is it possible to find an inexpensive hotel in Madagascar

Madagascar is a major island in the Indian Ocean. The capital of Antananariva is the focus of business life, the coast from all sides of the island is luxurious sandy beaches. Plus the island of Nuzi-Ba-a popular tourist recreation spot. Helton Madagascar Hotel is the only five -star hotel of the Madagascar capital. Its 15-story building, towering over the low buildings of the business part of the city, was restored in 1998 and offers guests of 165 standard numbers and five apartments. It is located in the middle of the administrative region to Antananariva, which is undoubtedly convenient for business trips. Three restaurants work in which you can taste both European cuisine dishes and local cuisine. Many Madagascar hotels operating in Antananariva have three or four stars, they are mainly located in the business area – after all, businessmen and officials go to the capital. The main resort zone of Madagascar is a small island located north-east of Madagascar-Nuzi-B. The most developed tourist infrastructure, and even in the rainy season, the sun is always brightly shining here. This is almost the perfect diving place. On the island are Madagascar hotels from three to five stars. So, the five -star Hotel Hotel hotel is located in the middle of the tropical garden, with access to beaches with white sand. Each of the 58 numbers goes to the west and has a terrace so that the guests can comfortably admire the magical sight of the sunset. Each bathroom offers maximum comfort and luxury – marble finishes, a pool, shower and a bath itself, all guests are offered special means of care from natural products. It offers reservation by Madagskara hotels and additional services. Vanila 4* Hotel is ideal for newlyweds. It is so pleasant to spend a honeymoon or romantic rest here here. 21 rooms over the windows on the tropical garden, and 18 rooms with a view of the ocean. Exotic dishes can be enjoyed at the Parfum Vanille restaurant, and another restaurant at the hotel will provide a rich selection of seafood prepared on grill.