What is real estate assessment

Modern proposals in the real estate market in Russia are full of diversity. From non -residential small office and retail premises to large large -scale facilities with a full set of housing facilities abroad. Real estate can also include land plots, plots with subsoil and everything related to land. If the object cannot be moved without damage to its purpose, then this belongs to this category, which includes a building, building or object of incomplete construction.

When evaluating a housing stock, it is important to take into account many aspects. Play the role of a claim to modern housing. There is a huge sector of secondary real estate. Potential customers provide options in various price categories: from chic elite apartments in multi -storey buildings or country estates, to cozy apartments and rooms in the secondary market. Before buying, the client wants to make sure that the electric networks are in good condition, that the water pipeline is working and the sewage system is functioning. They also pay attention to the presence of cold and hot water supply, heating and low -current systems (telephone, television). It is not unimportant by the environmental state of the area in which the real estate is located. How are things with the surrounding air? Is there any in the district there are discharges of pollutants associated with the presence of industrial enterprises, road transport, boiler rooms? How the collection of solid household waste from a multi -storey building is established? Whether it is carried out on a planning-regular basis? Containers are installed near private houses? When acquiring residential real estate, attention is paid to the social infrastructure of the district. The presence of a number of shops, schools and hospitals and transport.