Why is the demand for Italian real estate is growing

Tell me, what a picture does you have under the phrase “Real Estate in Italy”? Probably, the majority will imagine a chic house on the seashore, next to which the beach goes beyond the horizon, on which the magnificent Mediterranean sunset will have gross. Of course, those who gravitate towards Northern Italy, on the contrary, will present a chalet against the backdrop of alpine slopes, and not far from it comfortable lifts that carry skiers upstairs, towards new descents. Today, many residents of the northern countries prefer Italy as investments.

From its advantages you can distinguish a wonderful climate, highly developed infrastructure, and the benevolence of local residents. And also the unique tastes and aromas of Italian cuisine, which many in our country prefer Japanese or Russian. Many are also ready to add low housing prices to the list of advantages – after all, often a house on the seashore will cost you the price of an apartment in the Botovo sleeping area. What is caused by? Firstly, in construction, as a rule, local materials are used, which already removes their delivery from the total cost of housing. Then, it is worth paying attention to the fact that advanced European technologies are used. Thirdly, there is a savings on materials – they are spent strictly according to the estimate in developed countries, and not steal, as in others. High prices are only for extra-class housing, with many bedrooms and a spiral staircase finished with gold casting, also decorated with busts of the Great Romans. In the countries of Eastern Europe, a true excitement for Italian real estate is observed today, and Hungarians, Croats, Poles sell their square meters in their native country and move closer to the heart of Europe.