Despite the fact that registration in country houses is allowed at the official level, it has a number of significant shortcomings. Registration can be carried out only by court order. Registration of registration in a summer cottage is possible only with a positive court decision. If you filed a corresponding application for registration directly at the FMS department (in other words – passport office) at the location of the country’s country’s country, then, without a doubt, you will refuse. If there is such a refusal, you have the full right to send a statement of claim to the court with the requirements for recognizing this negative response in the passport office and oblige the FMS to register your residence permit in the summer cottage.
It will be necessary to prove that the house is completely suitable for living
In order for the court to satisfy your claim for registering you in the country, you will need to prove that the house is suitable for permanent residence in it. Such evidence may be the conclusion of a construction and technical forensic examination, the implementation of which will take 1-4 months, and the cost of compilation will be 30-80 thousand rubles. That is, in order for the court to decide on the obligation of the passport table to register you in your country house, it will require quite large costs for costs and a large amount of time – at least six months.
Obtaining a residence permit has significant restrictions
The registration received with the help of the court has significant restrictions, or rather, information about such registration may only be contained at the level of local authorities. Accordingly, during the verification of documents, law enforcement agencies are not at the place of residence, but, for example, during a trip or relaxing in another region or city, the registration data will not be confirmed, which is the basis for a temporary detention. Among other things, information about registration in country houses, due to the insufficient perfection of the registration system in our country, cannot be entered by migration services to the registration database, which does not leave the possibility of such a registered person to purchase various kinds of municipal services.