Active demand for real estate is expected in Moscow

The peak of active demand for real estate in Moscow fell on 2010 and 2011, so now it has declined. Now demand has increased for real estate in the regions. This was influenced by the established stability of the economy and raising income. Real estate sale increased by twenty -one percent. The most active real estate market is noted in the Nizhny Novgorod, Leningrad and Moscow regions. This year, the sale of real estate in the Leningrad Region increased by fifty -three percent, twenty -two thousand apartments were sold in the Nizhny Novgorod region and sales amounted to forty -eight percent, under Moscow, sales grew by forty percent. For the same time period of real estate sale in the capital, eight percent grew. Experts say that such demand is due to the fact that the last two years has existed a stir for apartments. This is also due to a shortage of space for new construction, thereby increasing the cost of the secondary real estate market. In connection with the implementation of the Big Moscow project in the Moscow region, it is planned to build a large amount of real estate, as well as the development of infrastructure is predicted. Housing for the Moscow Ring Road and an office rental in Ivanovo is the most attractive option for residents, as it has very attractive prices. The apartment in the new house for the Moscow Ring Road is much cheaper than the secondary in the sleeping areas of Moscow. So people will gradually begin to acquire housing in the field. Due to the increase in real estate prices in the capital, which is not possible to hold, a large amount of demand is lost. In April, the cost of one square meter for real estate in Moscow increased by two percent and now is five thousand hundred eighty -two dollars. In the second half of the month, demand has fallen significantly. The capital housing market falls into hibernation, but the housing market in the regions is gaining momentum. Moscow became the first, where, after the crisis, the residential market was quickly rehabilitated, but the regions also followed it. Currently, the sale of real estate in the regions reaches its climax. The construction of housing has endured the crisis in 2009-2010, so now it is catching up. Among the first is the Samara, Rostov Region, Krasnodar and Volgograd Territory, where sales amounted to thirty -three percent.