Are there any inexpensive hotels in St. Petersburg

As a city-St. Petersburg was based on the personal decree of Tsar Peter 1 in 1703. Peter’s house was built simultaneously with the Peter and Paul Fortress and has been preserved to date. It was a wooden house. The house was small and built in 5 days. There were no settlements in the district, especially the builders and by decree of the king, about 30 thousand ordinary citizens were sent every summer for construction every summer. Housing was in the open air and many of them were sick of exhausting work. Subsequently, the nobles also had to leave Moscow and settle in St. Petersburg. They erected palaces, where the style of facades was determined by Peter. For this, he invited the most talented architects of that time from Europe. The construction of this city was ploted as a window to Europe.

It took many years to build such a majestic city. After the victory over the Swedes in June 1709, Peter could calmly finish his beloved city. The winner Peter was just not enough royal monastery. He became Peterhof. As well as Moscow, Petersburg became the cultural and political center of Russia. Progressive at that time people settled only in St. Petersburg, as Peter provided them with all kinds of support. The question is very important where you can stay in St. Petersburg.

When you choose the inexpensive hotels of St. Petersburg, the place should be clean and cozy. For those who want to economically and comfortably relax, you can try the hostels of St. Petersburg. They have already become an ordinary vacation spot for poor students from Europe. It is advisable to order lunches for tourist groups in advance.

Some restaurants organize lunch for tourist groups in their banquet halls, since the banquet halls are empty during the day. Very friendly people live in St. Petersburg who will always meet you joyfully and affably and relaxing in St. Petersburg will become unforgettable.