Classification of New York hotels: what type to choose

NY. This city inspires a reverent thrill throughout the world, including Russians. The beauty of the night manhatten does not give peace of mind to many tourists. Unfortunately, the main part of the largest port city in the world does not stand out against the background of standard American cities.

So if you are burning with a desire to live in the New York of your dreams, then the hotel should be on Manhattan. A huge number of tourists wishes to book a place in one of the Manhattan hotels. The prices for numbers are biting, but this is explainable – after all, it is here that the main memorable places are concentrated: Broadway, the fifth Avenue, Central Park and many others.

The most important thing is not to despair. Depending on the time of year, prices change. For example, the middle of winter-the beginning of spring is considered the most profitable period for finding a hotel in New York, and in early autumn prices get to the peak, and then it will have to be seriously empty wallets. [1 $ hotels in New York1] are numerous and diverse, as they say, “for every taste and color”.

For more information, as well as to search for the most convenient motel and booking a place online, visit the site –

A striking example – Four Season New York Hotel. Built in 1993 according to the project of the ingenious Chinese Yo Ming Pay. Facts: 52 floors, 3 restaurants and 3 bar, the presence of their own golf club-they say for themselves. Dear class.

Boaking a room in such a hotel, you will not be disappointed at all. They are cheaper and simpler than the elite hotels of New York, but if you are a tourist, then all the sights will be at your fingertips. Only the name is justified – the prices are rather big. Middle class.

The appearance of some of these hotels will not yield to the originality and grace of elite motels. Prices here are much more acceptable for most tourists. For example, Affinia Dumont Hotel is a 37-story hotel in East Manhattan, located near 5 Avenue and SAKS department store.

You will be provided with an active, so calm rest. Economy class. Cheap hotels in Manhattan after April is almost impossible. Do not forget that you can settle outside the coveted island or look for the most profitable offers among more expensive classes.