Classification of offices in Moscow for rent: selection criteria

Since the beginning of the 90s, the construction of business centers began in Moscow, which were necessary for the location of international corporations in them. It was at that time that significant figures that were able to carry out their first profitable investment on the market. With an increase in the number of buildings, they began to be divided depending on their location, the parameters of the construction of the quality and the number of equipment used in their construction, and also paid attention to the consciousness of various amenities necessary for tenants.

The office premises themselves are divided into several categories. The first includes offices with class “A”. Are located in areas where all the main business centers are concentrated. Equip such centers in accordance with the last word of technology, establish modern communications, heating, air conditioning and hydration of air. Telecommunication services are provided using two independent providers. Systems are installed that provide autonomous power supply. Office rental in Moscow of this class can reach $ 700-800 per square meter. m per year, but before the crisis, the cost increased significantly and amounted to $ 2,000 per sq. m. in year.

Class “B” offices are buildings with a non -poor internal structure, but not with such equipment as offices class “A”. Class “B” offices are located both in new buildings and in buildings that were reconstructed and adjusted to offices for offices. As a rule, communications were replaced and made by some changes to constructive elements. The cost of renting premises in class B buildings is from 400 to 600 dollars per square meter. m per year. But not far from the Moscow Ring Road, the cost of similar offices is much less and is about $ 350 per square meter. m. in year. This is excluding the cost of operating expenses.

The choice of industrial real estate

In the implementation of the selection of objects that must meet all the requirements, the most difficult is the selection of the production real estate segment. This is practically not due to the fact that the number of requirements presented is much larger, in the same case when choosing an apartment. This is due to the fact that the number of sentences is much less, and it is quite difficult to find the required parameters in one place. In this regard, the selection of this kind of objects can last for several months. Now the requirements will be considered that can be presented to the production facility.

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