What to pay attention to when inspecting real estate before buying

When inspecting real estate that they plan to purchase, buyers most often draw erroneous conclusions and can make disadvantageous decisions. Therefore, it is necessary to plan the actions in advance before inspection of the apartment in new buildings. Before inspection of the rooms, it is necessary to carefully inspect the house, because if it is an old one with a large number of cracks, it is advisable to refuse to purchase housing in such a house due to the fact that the state rarely allocates funds for the restoration of emergency premises. After inspection, you must pay attention to the basement. Determine that the basement is often flooded, you can according to subteids and an unpleasant smell of dampness. In addition to the basement, it is necessary to devote time to the inspection of the entrance, it should be clean, there should not be an unpleasant odor, a clogged garbage chute, an intercom must be installed, the elevator should work properly. You can ask about the health of the elevator from the residents of the house. After inspection of the house and entrance, it is necessary to start inspection of the apartment, if it is located on the ground floor, then you need to carefully inspect the walls, because damp from the basement may affect their safety. In apartments on the top floor, it is necessary to pay attention to the ceiling, because its safety is affected by the possibility of the roof. The presence of recently pasted wallpaper on the ceiling can be called the reason for a visit to the housing office, in which you need to ask to open the attic or provide information about the house of the house. In the apartment, you need to carefully examine the plumbing, do not be too lazy to look under the sink, open the cranes, check the quality and age of the pipes. In addition, it is necessary to inspect the windows, see the plastic or wooden, because in wooden frames most often there are cracks and cracks that need to be restored every winter, and this reduces the cost of housing. Walls and corners in the rooms should be without cracks, the wiring should be working, heating radiators must be in good. In addition, you need to ask about the quality of heating in the winter, about the uninterrupted supply of hot and cold water. It is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the repair, walls and ceilings should be even, floors with high -quality coating. For repairs made in a hurry before putting up housing for sale, there is no reason to pay as a quality.