Features of the development of the real estate market: what to take into account

Now what has previously happened in the capital continues. For example, today only the lazy does not criticize the General Plan of Moscow. Moreover, there was an ideology from the very beginning, how to squeeze the maximum number of meters from the Moscow land. Therefore, it was better to squeeze the administrative rent with the help of short -term transactions: at first he built a box, then sold it at the pit’s level and gave part to everyone who participated in the process, and again received the next site. It makes no sense to comment on it, because everything is obvious here.

In order to achieve a persistent increase in real estate prices, you can take an example from the same London where comfort for life was created at the expense of parks and squares. For more than a century, the descendants of Queen Victoria tried not to violate the order in its time, when the development was carried out regularly, and high -altitude towers were built next to the mansions. One tower is being built in Moscow, immediately someone bought the site nearby and builds the second. In the first of them, the price of real estate will fall, but this will practically not affect the city economy. The city cannot collect less taxes when the apartment is reduced in price.

For a policy that has been observed in Moscow in the last 10 years, a decrease in the capitalization of urban real estate was characteristic, even if the cost of 1 sq. m grew rapidly.

10 years – a short time, if we consider it from the position of a real estate cycle. It takes 3-4 years to build a normal house. But in the near future, people will evaluate with a wallet and mind what they buy. As a result, unsuccessful projects will fall in price or there simply will not be solvent demand for them.

During the crisis, it happened, but ahead of the province is still foreseen ahead. In this case, it will be possible to favorably sell the stale goods.