How can you sell municipal property

About 25 billion rubles for the 2011 year from the sale of municipal property were obtained by the local budgets of the Russian Federation, ”Ms. Alexander Levitskaya, deputy minister in the Russian economic development industry, said. At a meeting of the Council under the chairman of the SF on local self -government, as well as the All -Russian Congress in Municipal Education, she stated that the income from state and municipal property became a significant article of the budgets. Municipalities from excess property are gradually getting rid of. Over the past year, about 25 billion rubles were received from municipal property sales of municipal property. Previously, the Federal Property Management Agency reported that in 2011, one hundred and twenty billion rubles were received from privatization from privatization. This is the best fact in ten years. At the same time, not only large objects were sold, but also small with medium, from the sale of thirteen billion rubles, and six billion rubles were planned. Levitskaya noted that an actively developing form of business support, as well as the provision of property objects for hiring under preferential conditions, followed by privatization of business entities, brought excellent fruits. Together with the municipalities, a register of property was formed, and the ministry is working on improving laws to provide perfect mechanisms to support business with a prism of property on which they could realize their activities. The Ministry is working on supporting municipal programs for the development of entrepreneurship, the volume of which from the federal budget in the past amounted to more than 1.7 billion rubles a year. This work is to be continued this year, and the ministry is now collecting applications for providing the possibility of co -financing from the subsoil of the federal budget. The results of the competition of these applications will be shared in May. One of the individual articles of budget revenues is land, because the ministry intends to continue the work aimed at transferring land for municipalities.