How the housing rental market develops in the USA: Differences

According to data from the Property Wire portal, the period since the beginning of spring, real estate prices in Miami-Form Lodderteil, have grown markedly, also a jump in prices in the municipalities of the Phoos.

In these regions, housing rose in price by 1.6% and 2%, respectively. But still, the reverse process was displayed in some other regions, the prices have slightly decreased. Take, for example, Atlanta – prices in it fell by 0.7%.

On the annual calculation with a negative growth result, Atlanta, Chicago and Sacramento in California were released. In Chicago, prices fell by 8.7%, Atlanta decreased by 7.8%, and Sacramento’s real estate lost 5.1%of the price. For the same year, housing has risen in price in Phoenix-an indicator is 5.7%, and in the regions of Miami-Form Loddroddale, the price rose by 2.9%, in Devra the same grew by 2%.

The rental market in the United States also demonstrates signs of fairly sustainable growth, because only in April the rental rates have grown by 1.6%. In 78 cities, out of 178, which are regularly checked by analysts, the cost of rental housing has increased, if we take it in calculation for the year. The most strongly touched the shooters with Philadelphia, because there the rental of housing only in a year rose in price by 14.9%, in Baltimore, as well as in Minneapolis, rental rates also rose a lot.

It is also worth noting that a constant increase in housing in America has been noted for several months in a row. And in March, the rise in price by almost two percent became a record, almost a third of the American property owners do not have the right to sell their housing due to delayed mortgages. And the demand at that time is growing so much that the proposal in some regions does not keep up with it. Many people want to buy a house, but they simply do not. Experts also noted that the procedure for alienation of housing began to be carried out much less often.