How to correctly evaluate the shares in the apartment: the stages of the process

The assessment of the apartment refers to the calculation of monetary expression of the price of property rights in relation to the apartment, which is estimated. Such specific features as layout, location, floor, area, general condition. taken into account when evaluating. The assessment can be carried out both for conducting sales and sale operations, and for determining the tax value in case of lending and usually takes from one to two days.

Everything also applies to understanding the assessment of the share of the apartment. The difference between the assessment of the apartment from its share is only the object of assessment, which is not the entire apartment, but its part. That is, when part of the apartment consists of a certain number of rooms and allocated in kind, then evaluative operations are reduced to the assessment of rooms.

There are two assumptions that the cost of a square meter of area of ​​the share of the apartment and an entire apartment differ. In practice, on the one hand, under the same conditions, the price of a square meter of part of the apartment is greater than the price of a square meter of the entire apartment. But on the other hand, many legal difficulties associated with the purchase of a share should reduce its cost. The difficulty is that the solution of legal and other related issues cannot be expressed in monetary terms.

Carrying out an assessment of both the entire apartment and its share is an independent examination and is carried out on the basis of an agreement concluded between the customer and the organization of the assessment of the facility, and in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of evaluation activities. Specialists performing the examination perform: inspection of the object of assessment, determining its functionality, studying the surroundings, market research, establishing methods and methods of evaluation, taking into account its specificity. The result of the examination is the calculation of the cost and drawing up the assessment report.

A report on the assessment of the object provided to the customer has the status of an official document. It can be used in the issuance of an inheritance, in court, provided to the bank for the pledge of real estate.