How to isolate the foundation from moisture: the stages of the process

Isolation of the foundation from moisture – fundamental work, without which further work will go awry. However, do not worry along the little things. The process itself, although very responsible, will not take your lion’s share of strength and time from you. The main thing is to choose the proper way that is best suited for your specific project, and take into account a couple of nuances. And just in the ways of processing the foundation and their features, our article will help you understand.1. Motorproofing waterproofing. Materials for waterproofing of this type are a thin film twisted into rolls and containing polyester, fiberglass or glass chloride. The main representatives are only, isoelast, roofing material, bikrost, pergamine, which are distinguished by reliability and a long service life, but are delicate in circulation. The surface of the base should be even and dry, ideally covered with a primer, and the foundation protection should be provided with additional panels or screens.2. Coating waterproofing of the foundation. If you select such waterproofing of the foundation of the following species are used: – Mastics from cement with the addition of minerals are ideal for surfaces that are subject to vibration or deformation; – waterproofing materials for the foundation made of bitumen – a reliable and budget option, the only minus of which is susceptibility to the cold; – Synthetic resins.3. Liquid waterproofing of the foundation. A membrane of liquid rubber is a new word in protecting the foundation, because it can be sprayed on any surface, including wet, without losing its properties. Rubber provides sound insulation, it is elastic even at minus temperature.