How to make an ad on real estate yourself

Recently, a lot of sites devoted to real estate announcements have appeared. However, the best source on this topic can be called the site

In general, real estate announcements can now be found both in special catalogs and illegally stuck on poles and doors in your area. The difficulty, however, is that the majority of ads are only advertising – in reality these apartments either do not exist, or they are not rented out and are not sold at the moment. This problem is especially relevant for large cities in which numerous real estate agencies are forced to fight for customers by reducing prices and publishing advertising offers under the guise of real. In small cities, such a problem is less acute, because in most cases people know that it is surrendered or sold in fact and this is easy to check.

Nevertheless, if you do not spend the facts that look in advance false, then you can choose your home for several months. You should only understand for yourself what factors you will consider first of all, since there is no absolutely perfect housing – at least small flaws will be present always and everywhere. The territory is better well-maintained somewhere, somewhere lower the price, somewhere in the house a security alarm is delivered. After watching many options, you can choose the best combination for yourself.