How to make with your own hands Repair of a typical apartment

Almost all people are afraid to start repairs in one way or another. He does not cause fear in itself, but his attributes are dust, dirt, constant noise and roar do not like many. The simplest repairs are cosmetic repairs, which implies the updating of the wallpaper, painting the ceiling. The most difficult is major repairs, when everything old is crashing and changing to a new one: plumbing, wiring, doors, windows, floor, ceiling. The most expensive is the repair of business class apartments, in which a high-level finishing materials are used, when the entire range of repair work is carried out, including redevelopment, replacement of electrical wiring, creating niches for pipes, wall alignment. With this repair, you need to use the services of highly professional specialists. Each type of repair has features.

What needs to be taken into account by repairing standard apartments? First of all, the work plan should be drawn up. So that the repair does not drag on for a long time, does not turn around lost money and time, it is better to invite a specialist who will compose a design project. Many people are trying to cope with this stage on their own, which as a result leads to a sense of dissatisfaction with repairs, since many are not well versed in various types of finishing materials. Only a specialist will be able to correctly choose materials, tell me how to make repairs quickly and efficiently.

Repair begins with dirty work: remove partitions, remove the old parquet, remove the coating from the walls and ceiling, perform work related to the drilling of the walls. Also, at the initial stage, radiators and window blocks change.

Then the walls and floors begin to align. If you carry out repairs yourself, it will take a lot of time. For example, only the alignment of walls in the corners will take a lot of time, for this it is necessary to use building mixtures. After the level of alignment, they proceed to the installation of doors.

Lime whitewashing on the ceilings is completely washed off to a putty layer. With an uneven ceiling, it must be leveled. Recently, very often, suspended ceilings have been used for alignment, which, moreover, allow you to hide the wiring, hide various defects and uneven floors.

After the completion of these works, only a cosmetic finish remains, which is performed from top to bottom – first they turn the ceiling (or installation of a hinged one), then glue the wallpaper on the walls or paint them, only then they are engaged in the installation of the floor.

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