How to rent an apartment in Sochi for daily and inexpensively: Recommendations

The opening of the Olympics is already tomorrow. We asked the question whether to really rent an apartment in Sochi for a day. In hotels, the price tag was raised very strongly, and the rooms are almost everything already booked. Hotels are more guided by foreigners than Russians, they dream of taking more money from them for services, accommodation, transfer. It is more difficult to get money from Russians for additional services, so we are aware of as usual these services are provided. And we are oriented in our cities much better. Than foreigners. Therefore, the issue of renting an apartment for citizens seems much more profitable. After all, the apartment is provided with several sleeping places at once, from two to six. Plus in the apartment there is a kitchen, which means that you can prepare what you want, and eat at least at 4 in the morning. The apartment is furnished, metal -plastic windows protect from noise and dust, there is a bathroom, unlike the only shower in the hotel, you can accept the bath, relax after a long day, which they will spend in the stands of fans and skiing tracks in the mountains. Oddly enough, but there are still offers for renting housing. From can be found on ads of ads. And prices are acceptable, start from 1200 rubles per apartment for 2-4 sleeping places, it turns out only 300 rubles per person per day. There are apartments and more than 3,000 rubles, with furniture more modern and new. In general, in the photo in ads, all apartments look quite good, even the cheapest options. But whether the photo will correspond to reality can only be found out on the spot. The main thing is that the stay is as comfortable as possible, so that the desire to root for athletes does not leave those lucky ones who will be in the stands. After all, support is important for victories!