How to rent an office area: selection criteria

Increasingly, we hear about the imminent saturation of the commercial real estate market. The number of free areas will soon increase, and we can talk about the tendency to reduce the price of rental of office space.

Thus, the latest stage of development of the commercial market and the search for alternatives increasingly pushing developers to offer new solutions.

And the construction of business centers, which mainly have offices for the largest international representative offices or companies operating exclusively with VIP clients, gradually finds his client in the Moscow real estate market.

And the main distinguishing feature of this format is the combination of a carefully thought -out composition of tenants and the highest standards of service and management of the building, as well as the fact that such a business – centers for the near future will become the best alternative to the usual cottages within the garden ring, where offices for the most recently were offered for offices for VIP service – customers.

Due to the high dynamics of the growth of the Russian economy, companies of various directions try to expand their presence in the commercial real estate market even more. Of course, their goals and set tasks differ from each other, however, they still have one common – this is an increase in income and reducing costs.

The metropolitan government in the framework of the support program set the task of creating business zones in Moscow, which will have to provide the most favorable climate of the work of entrepreneurs, but, unfortunately, the idea remained unrealized.

This service is increasingly having to face when working with the owner of the premises.

The cost directly depends on the range of services offered, and the price, first of all, depends on the number of jobs, and is in no way related to the number of rented square meters.