How to save on windows: what to pay attention to

Often, many developers depart from the mortgaged construction project, motivating this with the technical impossibility of reproducing the drawn up, lack of financial savings or the inability to acquire one or another building material. Small deviations from the approved project are acceptable, large and serious – never. Detailed housing projects include not only general dimensions and type of building, but also detailed design with the further specification of materials used during the construction.

This specification includes windows. Sometimes the developer is recommended to install a large and spacious double -walled window before entering the terrace. The developer agrees, the builders take the arch under the window, make the necessary reinforcing fortifications, and t. D. But when it comes to buying a double -walled window with large and unique dimensions, he learns that such a window is like all windows in the house combined.

And then unpleasant combination begins so that one large window space is filled with two standard windows, but less dimensions. Such combinations significantly spoil the architecture of the structure and poorly affect the thermal characteristics of the house.