Addressing in New York, as in America as a whole, in a certain way differs from the Russian address system. Houses, for example, are numbered with an increase, in a hundred. This method of numbering carries information that one house is located from another in four quarters, or in American, blocks. In this case, the numbers of houses can increase without any sequence, t. e. arbitrarily. The address should indicate both the number of the house and the quarter. After the guest of New York will deal with the address, he will have to deal with the postal index, because all reference books and services are directly related to him. By typing the index, practically, in any search engine, you can find the location of any object, from bar to pharmacy. By the way, it is curious that the New York pharmacy can be purchased not only medicines, but also any other goods, for example, an ordinary iron. It is also interesting that in the wagons of the metro can not only go from the car to the car, but also go to the driver’s cabin. No matter how profitable the acquisitions in New York seem to count on low prices in the field of residence, you should not. There are a large number of comfortable hotels in the city, where a tourist has the opportunity to relax after tourist sorties (about 59,000 hotel rooms). However, the lower price range does not always allow you to get anything comfortable and convenient, so you should carefully evaluate the proposed options. Significant components of the current expenses of New York hotels, these are real estate, labor, utilities, water meters, the price of services, which are unusually high. However, the proposed service is also at a high level, although hotel rooms may not be very large, unlike other US cities. Particularly many restrictions for parking, and parking itself is considered expensive pleasure.