In the Republic of Kazakhstan, a project was created to build rental real estate with subsequent redemption either without

About seventy percent of citizens of Kazakhstan needs housing or improved living conditions. Last year, the government of the country adopted the state program “Available Housing-2020”, which should help the population of the republic become owners of available square meters of housing. It is possible to achieve a cherished goal due to the variety of mechanisms. Among them are state consideration, mortgage, rental of housing with subsequent redemption and t. D. For eight years, sixty -nine million square meters of housing will be built in Kazakhstan. By 2015, it is planned to build 275 thousand square meters of rental housing.

In the Republic of Kazakhstan, a project is provided for the construction of rental real estate with subsequent redemption or without ransom. Mainly the project is focused on socially vulnerable segments of the population. The essence of rental housing is that the tenant is obliged to pay a rent monthly, after fifteen years, the tenant has the right to redeem the treasured meters that will have the right to sell, exchange, transfer to the inheritance.

Between the lessor and the tenant of real estate, a lease agreement (agreement) is concluded by which the tenant pays the lessor a fee, in advance, for temporary use and (or) property ownership of real estate. For example, in the Russian Federation, state registration of a rental of real estate consists in state registration of a real estate lease agreement. In some cases, a refusal to register a lease agreement is issued. The reason for the refusal should be motivated and reasoned. Otherwise, this issue is issued for consideration at the hearing.

The cost of renting Kazakhstani housing may vary. Kazakhstanis have the opportunity to buy rental real estate ahead of schedule, in which case the residual value of the living space will be equal to the amount of the remaining monthly rental payments. You can redeem rental housing no earlier than ten years.