Is it worth it to invest in real estate in Turkey

If you are not a Turkish citizen, but you want to purchase a house, apartment or site here, then you need to know that each purchase in this country is necessarily registered in the cadastral book. In the case of the purchase of real estate in Turkey, you are assigned the registration number necessary for the execution of all relevant documents. In Turkey, there are a number of relevant organizations, in the file cabinets of which all documents will be stored on the completion of the transaction. At the same time, the buyer and the seller are required to provide passports, the names of the fathers, the reasons for the sale, as well as photographs of 3×4 format. Such documents are necessary for drawing up a protocol that certifies the act of sale and sale. In addition, to buyers who do not know the Turkish language, a translator is provided.

In order for the purchase to be legal, you need to draw it up through the registration chamber of real estate and the state land cadastre, bodies that correspond to similar in other countries. Only the property registered by all rules will be fully protected by the state and can be taken on bail when receiving a loan or financial transactions.