Real estate registration procedure: sequence of actions

It is better not to rush in the registration of real estate, because property rights to real estate may coincide with other rights that seem insignificant, at first glance, but may interfere with the new owner. There are also different hidden legal threats, about which the owner, sometimes, knows nothing. The execution of the contract, for example, for real estate in Montenegro, gives the new owner calm, his rights to the building will become legal and will allow it to use it at their own request. Sometimes, legal registration of transactions detects the procedure for using property or secret defects of documents. As a result, the design of real estate can deliver a lot of quite significant losses to the new owner. When buying a building, apartment or other object, do not forget what rights exist to this, and what documents you can confirm the purchase. It is extremely important that the state in reality and the rights to property coincide and be recorded in official documents. Before you draw up a contract of sale, you need to learn about the object of the transaction as much reliable information as possible. Information about the owners, the history of property and other data will help to more accurately understand the risks and all kinds of options for realizing rights. Detailed information about the desired apartment will allow you to reduce its cost well and purchase additional profits. And, if the purchase is disadvantageous, you can refuse it by avoiding unnecessary investments. The legal regime of the object for its further use must be worked out in advance. If the purpose of acquiring property is to build a residential building, it is necessary to determine whether construction is possible on this site. If the acquisition of the object is associated with its re -profiling in commercial real estate, you should think about whether there is enough space to ensure the sanitary zone, and is it profitable to place the object in this site. Awareness of the problems that you can meet helps in their solution. The commercial design of the facility for each of the participants in the transaction may be borrowed. It happens that the buyer and the seller did not discuss individual aspects before concluding an agreement. It turns out that important conditions are not included in the contract. It may also happen that the bank at the appointed period of time will not be able to transfer money (for example, the notary is out of the exit). All this greatly complicates the registration procedure and puts a deal at risk.