Requirements for future tenants: selection criteria

Having an apartment and wanting to earn a little, you can become a lessor. There are several options here. If there is another apartment in which no one lives, you can rent it out.

Moreover, it is possible to rent an apartment as a whole by one person or, for example, a married couple. Or, if the apartment is not one -room, you can rent each room separately. Another option takes place when there is only one apartment in stock, and the owner lives in it. Under such circumstances, it is possible to let tenants into neighboring rooms.

Of course, future tenants need to check all the documents in order to subsequently know who and where to look in the case of unforeseen circumstances. The rental agreement was like that, having decided to rent a room in St. Petersburg, it is preferable to conclude a contract with new residents.

From the moment of signing, he acquires legal force and will help resolve problems in court, if any. The contract should be prescribed the amount, payment time and lease term. Then there will be no problem with the delay in the payment, a decrease in the amount. And in the event of the end of the contract and non -transparers, it can not be afraid that the tenants will not want to move out.

The contract also indicates whether residents have the right to have pets and bring guests. These points will help to avoid the situation when the room was handed over to a student, and after some time, a gypsy camp was placed in it with a bear. The application to the contract is the inventory of the property.

It is important here to describe as in more detail as possible every thing that the tenant receives the right to use. After the lease term is over, he will have to return all things in the same state, given, of course, quite natural wear.