Stages of registration of a contract of sale: what to take into account

For many people, the purchase of an apartment in Skolkovo is an unusual and difficult matter. In this regard, a huge number of issues are created, and especially relating to the parties to the contract for the acquisition or sale of real estate. Regardless of whether the contract will be carried out independently or through the mediation of a real estate agency, it is necessary to have an idea of ​​all levels of its implementation. There are five similar stages:

1. Collection of all necessary papers and documents.

2. Verification of documents and signing a preliminary contract.

3. Signing the so -called alienation agreement.

4. Registration of state property rights to the apartment.

5. Real estate transfer to property.

Well, by the time of conclusion of the so -called preliminary contract, all the title documents for the purchased or sold real estate should already be available. For example, this may be a contract of privatization, donation, and so on, that is, for those cases when the apartment is already owned and it does not matter where the Skolkovo building is located. Among other things, certificates in form number 7 are needed, technical apartment characteristics and certificate in the form number 9, that is, information about registered persons on the purchased real estate. After all the necessary documents are collected, a preliminary agreement may be written, as well as an advance.

The fact of making an advance and the conditions of a further contract of sale must also be stipulated in the preliminary contract. Then you need to check all the documents. This stage is the most important and therefore it can last for a long time, however, the more time and effort is spent, the less likely the emergence of problems.