Two real estate market segments in Saratov

In Saratov, as in any other densely populated cities of Russia, the residential real estate market can be divided into two segments: the primary sales market, which shows offers directly from developers and owners of apartments in new buildings, and the second -hand real estate market, uniting offers, as from individual sellers , and from intermediaries specializing in the sale of housing in houses that have become in line more than ten years ago. Thus, we can say that Saratov’s property is in demand among buyers and nonresident investors. To buy or sell an apartment in Saratov, it is easiest to enlist the support of representatives of intermediary services – realtors, maclers and sales agencies. All the above representatives of the real estate market usually have in their hands a voluminous base of proposals, which is replenished with the advent of new customers. Of course, to buy or sell an apartment with the help of intermediaries will be a few more expensive than without their direct participation, since by default they seize a certain percentage of their services from the agreed amount of purchase or sale of the apartment. Nevertheless, such a sales model allows you to release its own time for personal needs, while all obligations to execute the transaction, as well as responsibility, fall on the shoulders of the agency. Buying a new building in Saratov is somewhat more difficult, since new apartments are significantly more expensive than old. There are several reasons for this: high demand for new buildings, new construction technologies, unexplored communications, good design and layout of the premises. It is best to look for an apartment in a new building directly through developers. Thus, you will get rid of the need to pay the commission, and in return, you will have the opportunity to acquire real estate, taking it in installments or having issued a long -term mortgage.