What are the “capsule” hotels in Japan

Four large and more than four thousand small islands are included in the territory belonging to the East Asian state, which is Japan. There are a lot of extinct and virgin volcanoes in the country. And, despite the frequent earthquakes, this is a state that still remains unsolved for Europeans as a mystery, attracting the attention of numerous tourists. This country is original in everything, even in the fact that the classification of Japanese hotels is different from the European. The hotel type is taken as the basis. It is worth noting that in Japan there is never any problem with choosing overnight options: there are simply many of them here. You can also buy a ticket to Japan from us.

The “capsule” hotels of Japan are considered to be a rather popular type of hotel for the most economical tourists, in which, in addition to the sleeping place, the presence of a lamp and an alarm clock is supposed. A fairly colorful type of Japanh Hotel can be called traditional Japanese Ryokan hotels. Everything here corresponds to the local tradition, even the procedure for accepting a public bath.

The type of family hotels in Japan, traditional in the European sense, is customary to call the “Minskyuk” boarding houses. Guest houses in sufficient quantities are located in large cities and in resort areas. Not devoid of Japan and hotels familiar to us, which, for the most part, belong to the networks of international hotel corporations.