Why did the demand for suburban apartments grow: reasons

Real estate experts note one interesting feature of today’s market. This feature is that apartments in the low -rise buildings of the Moscow Region, located at a distance of 5 to 20 km from the Moscow Ring Road, began to be very popular.

The main reason for this trend is too high prices of Moscow real estate. The sale of an apartment in Zelenograd or another city near Moscow is carried out at prices that allow those Muscovites to purchase their housing who are not affordable for apartments in the capital. But even if a person has enough means to buy a modest dwelling on the outskirts of Moscow, for him it may turn out to be a much more attractive option an apartment in a suburban low -rise building, which will be larger in area and better in quality.

Among the variety of residential real estate presented on the Moscow Region market, special attention is paid to apartments in low -rise buildings. There is also an explanation for this. In such houses, people feel more comfortable. They have fewer apartments than in high -rise buildings, which means the minimum number of neighbors. The smaller in the house of the residents, the more close the relationship between them. A person feels not so separate and unprotected if people live in the neighborhood, whom he knows not only in person. In addition, low -rise buildings are distinguished by a more convenient organization of house area. For example, there is more space for car parking, the overall recreation area is not polluted so quickly, and in the courtyard it is almost always quiet and calm. Another factor thanks to which low -rise buildings have more attractiveness is the lack of critical need for the elevator.

Housing in low -rise buildings of the suburbs is interested in several categories of the population. First of all, these are Muscovites who create new families, but at the same time have no opportunity to purchase their housing in Moscow, nor to arrange it in a mortgage. Another category is visitors from the regions who are tired of the constant rental of housing in the capital. These two groups make up the bulk of the buyers of suburban real estate. But there is another category of suburban residents – these are Muscovites who decided to move beyond the city in order not to be subjected to constant exposure to complex ecology characteristic of the capital. These are mainly people with families with young children.